
From ancient times, cereal has been indispensable. It could not be found missing from people's tables, as it had high nutritional value and offered the feeling of satiety, providing energy and strength to the human body.

The favorable climate, the fertile soils and the good practices implemented by the Fruit Agro Company allowed the continued harvesting, storage, and marketing of a wide range of cereals.

Our assortment consists of wheat, barley, canola, and corn – extremely versatile varieties, useful both in your food and in the industry.

grau produs in moldova


Wheat is an annual crop of the Gramineae family and is considered the most widespread cereal plant in the world and the fourth largest crop in terms of worldwide production. Originally from South-West Asia, wheat is widely used in the production of flour and derived products (pasta, beer malt, spirits, animal feed).



Barley is a cereal crop, brought from ancient Egypt, which has excellent nutritional qualities and is used in the production of malt coffee or beer.



Canola is a cereal crop of the cruciferous class, widely used in the food oil industry and in the biodegradable fuel resources industry.

cereale grau orz porumb


Corn is the plant of the Aztec gods, brought from America. It contains hydrocarbons, starch, albumin, various B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. At the same time, it is widely used in the flour industry, the industry of derived food products (groats) and in the alcohol industry.

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