Plums are aptly called healthy miracles in Moldova, because in addition to their savory taste, they contain vital elements, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Potassium and Fibre. Fruit Agro owns the largest plum plantations in the country, thanks to the favorable locations and favourable climatic conditions in the southern part of the country, cultivating the following plum varieties in Moldova:
The Stanley variety has gained notoriety both nationally and internationally, thanks to its taste and aromatic properties, but also due to being rich in microelements (potassium, magnesium) and vitamins (C, B1, B10, carotene). These plums can be used fresh, processed (compotes, juices, preserves, or jams) or dried.

The technical characteristics of this variety of plum are:
Fruit size
About 38 grams, calibre 30+ millimeters
The shape of the fruit
Ovoid - elongated
Dark eggplant, covered with a blue pruinescence
The pulp of the fruit
Greenish yellow, firm, sweet, does not lack the kernel
Storage conditions
Stores well up to 100-120 days, in cold storage. It transports very well and can be sorted manually, both at harvest and before shipment
Harvest period
August 15 – September 20
Availability calendar
August 15 - November 15
Type of packaging
Wooden or cardboard boxes